Threatened with account termination over an alleged rule that is not stated anywhere in the TOS?

Discussion started by HybrisFactory

Today I woke up to a notice that a link to my discord channel in my cover image somehow constitutes a breach in terms and conditions of CGTrader, and that my account faces permanent termination if this is not addressed within 48 hours.
A fact that came to me as a surprise, given that I've been a CGTrader seller for several years, over which I have interacted with your staff several times, without them pointing out any irregularities with my publisher profile.

Upon reading through your terms and condition, nowhere does it state that it is prohibited to provide external contact information or social network links by such means.

Regardless, I would just like to inform CGTrader that as much I would like to comply with this rule, I simply can't since the option to change your cover image on your website does NOT work, and has BEEN broken for an extended period of time.
No matter how many times, sizes and file formats you submit, your cover image is never updated- an issue also confirmed by my peers who use CGTrader and I reckon everyone who uses the platform.



Posted 4 months ago

Its clearly stated you cannot reference external websites.

In regards to being able to change your header image, contact support and tell them the situation.

Posted 4 months ago

"Its clearly stated you cannot reference external websites."

Such a statement is not made at ANY point in the TOS, I have read and searched through it thoroughly.
"link" "website" "external" nor "third party" does not yield any relevant results within the TOS nor is mentioned in this context.

But if you feel you are correct, feel free to point me to the exact part of the TOS where this is stated.

Posted 4 months ago

Read more carefully.

3.8. Keep all the internal communication with other CGTrader members inside this Site and do not ask or share contact details.

This applies to links to Twitter, Facebook, Discord, etc.

Posted 4 months ago

Links to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are literally listed as options under "Social Networks & Contact Info".
Are you saying we are NOT allowed to use the links the very website gives us as options right in our account information?

3DCargo wrote
Pretty sure thats just there for marketing purposes. Same as when you buy some exercise equipment from your local store, whats your phone number, where do you live, how can we contact you every 30 days to ask to you to buy more crap? Same. Marketing, Give away your details so you can then sign up for more crap you didnt know you needed.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
You shouldn't insert links into model descriptions, headers, about section and renders.
Posted 4 months ago

And what purpose does the "Website" field under your personal information serve?
I'm sorry, but that's just ridiculous.

3DCargo wrote
If CGT cant reach you on your insta, facebook or linkedin, they will email your website about some other marketing material you didnt know you need, Ha!
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Here (or in about section) you can place links to your portfolio. But this is not place for link like Linktree, Buy Me a Coffee or similar service.
HybrisFactory wrote
Gee, I guess I shall stop complaining then. Lest they dig deeper and find out that under the Youtube videos we put on on the site there are comments.. and direct links to all the better marketplaces around the web.
Posted 4 months ago

Wow, so basically cgtrader has harassed user out of the marketplace over simple link to his social site? Are we going the turbosquid way? Should we expect that at any point in the future any contact between the seller and the customer will be forbidden and any communication will be handled by the middleman?

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
All starts with one link, then a phone number, another number, email, whatsapp, discord, skype, address, additional address, additional mail, PayPal wallets, webmoney wallets, crypto wallets, donation services, links to other marketplaces, patreon, etc. As a result profile turns into a trash spam page. Besides this there are other obvious reasons for restrictions and this concerns primarily the safety of both sellers and buyers.
Posted 4 months ago

Every other platform I sell on not only allows external links.. it comes with full integration of them.
Not to have discord integration on an Unity/Unreal marketplace would be unthinkable, such channels are critical for building a brand.

Some platforms simply feel secure in doing so because they know they offer superior services that will keep attracting customers, while others are ran those who know they can't compete on a level playing field.
It's that simple.

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
You are comparing global and highly specialized marketplaces. This is already ridiculous. It's not a question of competition, but of safety.
HybrisFactory wrote
Right, so these "global and highly specialized" marketplaces are inferior at ensuring safety. There is just no conceivable way you can ensure safety without treating your partners like dirt and acting like you are running a racket.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Just that there are different users. For some, it is not a problem to remove one or even many more links and there are no complaints against them. No one is demanding that you delete accounts on other platforms (including marketplaces) and social networks/apps. But there are other users who, despite a very simple request, create a scandal and showdown.
HybrisFactory wrote
Removing harmless networking links should not be a policy, period. If anything, links should be a feature integrated into the platform, like it is on other storefronts. My point is that all other storefronts manage to protect their users from abuse just fine without resorting to any sort of heavy-handed restrictions, exposing their justifications as utter bogus. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to comply here. I posted here thinking it was simply a misunderstanding or an unfortunate run-in with some admin on a power trip. Now that I have been informed about this being an actual thing, I of course have no desire to continue using this platform, and I have already pulled my products regardless of whether they resolve this issue on their end.
HybrisFactory wrote
Besides these people don't even know how to resolve the issue, because they apparently had no clue cover images were broken for ages and they have no clue how to fix it, or even how to simply remove mine from my account. Which is about the level of competence I expected from them.

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