Suspended models notification....

Discussion started by Exact-3D

First of all I would like to say that I'v never sell any models which were not made by me or stolen.
Today I have found that some of my models were suspended. I asked to support to review them as fast as possible.
It is very unconvenient when Seller need to check out their models not knowing that some of them are suspended. Of course I can look into dashboard and check model number (if I remember it).

Would it be better to send e-mail notification that "Your model <name> was suspended due"... and the reason.

Does anybody have the same opinion?


Posted almost 4 years ago

If model is suspended because it's stolen, support will remain silent, if model is suspended for some other reason there will be reply which will explain why is it suspended. As far as I know this is common knowledge here on cgt. From your post I can see that more than one model is in question, if those models are banned because they are marked as stolen, well, then you are one very lucky person because they don't banned your account for reason they (support) only knows.

Posted almost 4 years ago

No, thanks for cgt support! Now I have the answer and all of my models are restored.
Answer is:
I'v been attacked by unknown (they did not say) user(s) who were reporting almost all my models.
It is sad that such users are here on cgt. Did anybody face with similar behavior?
Anyway e-mail notification will be very usefull! I did not noticed that other my models were suspended.
I respect CGT community and would never allow myself to sell stolen models - jewelry production is not easy, of course.
But all I do - I do the best by myself. Thank You, PhantomDesign for kind words of support to me!

Posted almost 4 years ago

Hi there,

Sometimes other users report models that they think are stolen from other websites and the system automatically suspends them.
But when we check and there's not enough proof, the models are made available again.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Agota from CGTrader

Posted almost 4 years ago

Hi Agota,

I wonder why cgtrader decided to implement this automatic suspension of reported models? I can easily see how this option can become a tool of rage in hands of some angry user. Maybe automatic suspension should be available only for trusted seasoned sellers, who has no less than 20 assets in their profile and are members of cgtrader no less than for full year? If user does not meet such requirements, his report should not resolve in automatic suspension, but instead put the model on queue for manual verification by cgtrader support.

Posted almost 4 years ago

This have happen to me twice now and its getting freaking annoying. CGtrader support please contact the seller/modeler when you are suspending our models. At least give us some chance to prove it or just some kind of notice. FYI my models is still suspended without explanations.

Posted almost 4 years ago

I don't know who reported this user, but I think he was right. I also think it is not the first time their models have been removed, for example this model posted on 08-01-2020:

has a comment from a buyer from 04-02-2020 (prior to current posting date). Other comments from buyers and the forum are also previous. There are also numerous links to these models, on websites like yeggi, which no longer exist, such as this model for example:

link to the model in CGT that no longer exists:

Although they have removed the brand (not in all cases) and even if they were made by the user, their models are illegal copies of jewelry brand designs. I am sure that the true owners of the rights would not authorize its sale. CGT should not allow the sale of these models, (or many others in the same circumstances), because they infringe the copyrights of third parties and cause serious damage to the owners of those rights. However, it has returned its models to the user and there are many more users, with models of this type and with high sales.

illegal copy, (includes trademark Paloma Picasso, for Tiffany):


illegal copy:

original (design by David Yurman):

illegal copy:

original (Tiffany design):

illegal copy:

original (Tiffany):

illegal copy:

original (Tiffany):

illegal copy:

original (Tiffany):

illegal copy:

original (Tiffany):

illegal copy:

original (design by David Yurman):

Exact-3D wrote
Many of jewelry design looks similar. I agree with You. The post was about notification... What about jewelry production? I agree that producing jewelry and mark them as original Cartier, Damiani, Tiffany, etc is illegal! Some of my models looks similar but they are only 3d models not made of gold... ))
Posted almost 4 years ago

Their models are identical to the originals and that is also illegal. The main reason to buy these types of models is deception, either to oneself or to others. Even if they are 3d models, it is a copyright law infringement and rights holders could sue you, (also CGT), as well as losing your job and time. I agree that there are many other sellers of this type of model and CGT should do something about it.

Regarding notifications, as in other aspects of the operation of the web, I agree that there is much to improve.

Exact-3D wrote
I have read that some AUTO models is illegal but others are not. BMW, Mersedes. Am I right? The same in jewelry - You can buy Rolex watches by 10$ on Asia's markets. Illegal to sale copy of Rolex watch as original.
LemonadeCG wrote
@Exact-3D, trying to sell 3D model made after rolex watch, under standard royalty free license, is practically the same as trying to sell counterfeit as original. What i want to say, that you should sell your models under editorial license, because you don't own all copyrights of your models.
Exact-3D wrote
Thank You, LemonadeCG, I'l change the license!
Posted over 3 years ago

Im having the same problem right now, my last model is suspended and i dont know why :(

Posted over 2 years ago

For so many years CGtrader has not been able to implement the model suspend notification function. A shame!!!

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