Verified models are of higher quality as they have passed CGT Standard technical and visual checks, making them more professional-grade 3D assets.

Discussion started by 3dmeshes

very good idea,
you can not only see your own mistakes and learn from them,
but also those of others and not get confused by what they look like in the pictures.
The check is a real blessing for every modeler who works neatly and orderly, many thanks to cgtrader.



Posted 11 months ago

Currently just a bunch nonsense, for example, verification checks for metalness map on models that doesn't have metal parts/not made out of metal but don't check for AO wich every PBR model should have, that's optional... It checks for assigned materials even if box "materials" isn't ticked. It check if geometry is non-manifold on low poly models that are created exclusively for games... There is more... but If you try to justify verification, you will just end up with an unoptimized asset when it comes to real time/game models.

Posted 11 months ago

Hello Tobias,
I noticed that you were a bit more concerned with it than I was :/
At first glance, as a small modeler, you think it's fair and actually useful for the site and its modeler.
It's good that you address the problems that bother you, I didn't notice them right away.


tobiasrieper wrote
First, im not small modeler, second Im not concerned about anything, the main reason why I commented on this topic is because of the way you tried to present verification as something that adds value to the model which is obviously not true.
Posted 11 months ago

well, such inconsistencies happen when you rely on google translator

tobiasrieper wrote
What inconsistencies? What google translate ? Obviously you didn't understand what i wrote above, but never mind, the problem is people like you who don't understand how 3d stuff work, because if you do, you won't be posting such a nonsense topic on the forum.
Posted 11 months ago

Since I don't speak English, I let google translator translate it for me, but everyone knows her except her :) but you don't know her any other way, Mr. Rieper, not her little modeler. send me a link to your great stuff, i'm interested now, but what great stuff you make. I have no idea, that's why.

p.s. CGtrader is cool and doesn't stand still in development, it's completely normal that there are minor errors and the developers can only learn from them. As a hobby modeler, I feel at home here, thank you cgtrader!

3dmeshes wrote
no feedback, no link to his work, if you look for the name on the internet, you only get old boring nonsense like Hitman or something in pathetic quality. Hey Rieper, send me the link to your work!
tobiasrieper wrote
Where did you saw that i critiqued/asked/mentioned your work ? Based on what, you gave yourself right to ask about other people work? As far as feedback goes, everything you need to know is written above.
Posted 10 months ago

if you want to "help buyers identify high-quality models" than of course nothing against it,
but please on the base of a high-quality verification algorythm in first place, and not on a faulty, till now completely buggy, low-quality verification algorythm.

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