Maximals CR Chamber from Transformers Beast Wars

Maximals CR Chamber from Transformers Beast Wars 3D print model


Keeping up the fight with the Preds ain't always easy business. Injuries large and small do happen, and when they inevitably do, it's time for a quick repair in the CR chamber to get any of the downed Maximals back on their feet!

The CR Chamber is a fairly large piece as it needs to fit a deluxe sized bot inside, and features a swivel lid which will allow the chamber to open and close.

With the lid lowered, the four hinges up front can be rotated to lock the chamber to allow the regeneration to begin.

The interiors of the chamber are fairly simple with more details on the back panel with 5mm ports for attaching weapons and accessories if needed. There are also a couple of additional 5mm ports on the top of the chamber for attachment of other pieces.


Assembly for this piece may be a little involved, and it would be easier to construct the separate portions of the lid, the main body and the rear wall. 5mm peg holes allow for alignment of the pieces but are optional. The door hinges are the smallest bits and likely need to be printed in a higher resolution, upright so that they don't snap easily.

Assembly instructions are shown in the attached image.


Well then, hope everyone enjoys this piece for your Beast Wars buddies! Happy 3d printing and love to see these CR Chamber go online for your displays ;)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Maximals CR Chamber from Transformers Beast Wars
Custom No Ai License 
Maximals CR Chamber from Transformers Beast Wars
Custom No Ai License 
Response 80% in 1.8h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)12.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-10-20
  • Model ID#2663519
  • Ready for 3D Printing