Adding on to the Orion Pax Gap Fillers from earlier (, here are a couple more parts to fill in the hollows which this big bot has when in the larger combined mode!
Shown in the photos are the before-and-after comparisons with and without the gap fillers. Like before, these pieces will fit quite snugly in place, though you may need to tweak the sizing a little before slicing for 3d print if you are having issues with the fit.
Also in this set are some pieces to cover up the large gaps in the shin and upper foot area which are visible from the front.
The lower foot parts are designed to fit nicely and not fall out easily, while still be able to pivot a little to account for the different poses which you are likely to put Prime into.
Coming over to the trailer mode, the upper thigh filler pieces and the shin pieces will need to be removed for things to fold up nicely. But the good news is that the front of foot pieces can remain in place and do not affect the transformation.
Hope this helps improve the look for your PotP Evolution Prime - happy 3d printing y'all! =)
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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