CyberBase System - Double Pillar and Loft Pegs

CyberBase System - Double Pillar and Loft Pegs 3D print model


Here are more extensions pieces for the CyberBase System which builds upon the Ver, 2 Walls and Pillar Set (from earlier, required for full assembly)

Basically, there are two parts in this addon set:

DoublePillar This pillar piece was built to allow spanning across two base tiles and can be used instead of using two single pillar pieces. Should provide for better structural stability.

Loft Pegs These simple piece slot snugly into the grooves of the pillar pieces, allowing for a 10cm length wall piece (from the earlier set) to be used as a loft, so you can display more pieces vertically.

Due to 3d print variances between different 3d printer, you may find a need to slightly tweak the dimensions of the Loft Peg piece to get the right snug fit.

Hope this helps with the display and organization of your bots then! We'll be right back as we get on with churning out a bunch of these too ;)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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CyberBase System - Double Pillar and Loft Pegs
Editorial No Ai License 
CyberBase System - Double Pillar and Loft Pegs
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 80% in 1.8h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)67.3 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-03
  • Model ID#2687088
  • Ready for 3D Printing